Shave the cost, not the hair

How many hours could you get back if you never had to shave again? How much self confidence would you regain if you never had to worry about embarrassing stray hairs? The joys of hair removal may be priceless but that doesn't mean American Electrolysis and Laser isn't  committed to being the most affordable choice for laser and electrolysis in Springfield and Southwest Missouri. 

Laser Special: Buy 3 Laser Treatments/Get 1 FREE

Get ready for your next cruise or Caribbean getaway with the perfect bikini line. Hands up from anyone who never wants to shave their legs or underarms again.  

Laser away unwanted hair with Buy 3/Get 1 FREE Savings. Limited time and new patients or new areas only. Restrictions may apply. Call (417) 881-3702 now to schedule your free consultation and finally be free of the razor forever!

 Special valid for a limited time only.


Those stray hairs that love to show up at the most embarrassing moments? Zap them away with electrolysis, no matter what your skin complexion or hair color. Unlike most area laser clinics, AEL is fully certified in electrolysis for safe, comfortable and effective stray hair removal. Treatments start at only $40.